Thank you to Redhorse Reining Stables for the use of their state-of-the-art arena during our camp!

All the King’s horses and all the King’s men provide HOPE, build CHARACTER, and mentor PEOPLE
Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. –Matthew 11:28
ATKH Vision Statement
The vision of ATKH is to beckon those who are weary and troubled with the truth of God’s love for them, to teach basic life skills to better equip people for daily living and to use horses as a God-given tool to learn about and practice those truths and skills in a welcoming environment. Our vision stems from Matthew 11:28 which says “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
ATKH Mission Statement
The mission of ATKH is to Provide Hope by sharing God’s love for people, Build Character by teaching life skills, and Mentor People through horsemanship that fosters healing and personal growth.
Saddle Up For A Good Cause!
Join Us For Our 9th Annual ATKH Charity Golf Scramble, May 5th, 2025!
ATKH programs emphasize horsemanship skills while teaching essential life skills.
We need your help. Prayerfully consider helping ATKH with donations, sponsorships, your time and More!
Interested in learning more about All The King’s Horses. We would love to hear from you. Contact us today.
Thank You To All Our Wonderful Community Sponsors